Cascade de Glace - Ecole de Porte
From beginner to advanced, a wild day on the north face of Chamechaude, with pretty icefalls of several pitches in a superb setting!
You can try your hand at waterfalls or go for the steepest lines.
In practice
Activities proposed
- Ice sports,
- Ski,
- Ice climbing,
- Ski hiking
Sustainable tourism
The aim of our organization is to create synergies in the Chartreuse region, in order to develop 4-season tourism and thus boost the region's overall development (socially, economically and environmentally). We are committed to sustaining jobs in the mountain tourism sector, and to raising consumer awareness of environmental issues.
Time schedule
From 12/02/24 to 03/31/25
Monday :
Tuesday :
Wednesday :
Thursday :
Friday :
Saturday :
Sunday :
Subject to favorable weather
On demand
From 02/12/23 to 14/04/24
- Adult 490 € pour 2 personnes + 40 €/ personne(s) supplémentaire(s)
- 490€
- One price Pour 1 ou 2 personnes 40€ pour toute personne supplémentaire
- 490€
Information mise à jour le 10/10/2024
par Office de Tourisme Grenoble Alpes