Et Si
Come eat in this restaurant which is unlike any other in Grenoble and all these dishes will be cooked for you by the chef Maïwenn. The menu changes every week! Maïwenn will concoct colorful dishes from explosive recipes.
As for the place, it is truly atypical. A unique atmosphere in Grenoble reigns in the restaurant. Very close to the personality of its creator, Et Si is a place where we spend a friendly moment intended for the good living who wish to taste refined and homemade dishes. Yes, you did a good job with Christian.
Sustainable tourism
An innovative concept, a quality product! The ET SI ... restaurant uses fresh, quality produce to offer you genuine home-cooked dishes. Respecting short circuits, the chef favors local Isère or at least regional agriculture. You can also discover a wide range of exhibitions: drawings, illustrations, paintings and other montages by local artists.
Time schedule
From 01/01/25 to 12/01/25
Monday :
12h00 to 14h00
- 19h00 to 21h30 -
Tuesday :
12h00 to 14h00
- 19h00 to 21h30 -
Wednesday :
12h00 to 14h00
- 19h00 to 21h30 -
Thursday :
12h00 to 14h00
- 19h00 to 21h30 -
Friday :
12h00 to 14h00
- 19h00 to 21h30 -
Saturday :
Sunday :
From 01/01/25 to 31/12/25
- A la carte
- 12.9€
Information mise à jour le 08/01/2025
par Office de Tourisme Grenoble Alpes