L'écoquartier Daudet
The Daudet eco-neighborhood meets a number of urban, environmental and social challenges. It is therefore fully in line with the principles of sustainable development.
Its implementation should make it possible to offer :
A REAL SOCIAL AND GENERATIONAL MIX, with a significant and well-considered proportion of social housing or housing with social access, as well as intergenerational housing.
A DIVERSIFIED AND AFFORDABLE HOUSING SUPPLY through a diversity of housing forms, sizes and occupancy status; control of prices, rents and charges will be sought and managed in order to offer affordable housing to as many people as possible.
BUILDING HEIGHTS AND TYPOLOGIES ADAPTED TO THE EXISTING URBAN CONTEXT with lower buildings close to the individual residential fabric and occasionally higher buildings in the heart of the district, to create rhythm and free up floor space.
QUALITATIVE DENSIFICATION AND ENVIRONMENT-FRIENDLY BUILDING based on the principles of sustainable development, which will contribute to the harmonious, lasting integration of the project into its environment and to the quality of life of its residents.
PROMOTING ALTERNATIVE TRAVEL METHODS TO THE CAR AND DIFFERENTIAL PARKING MANAGEMENT by encouraging new travel practices and raising awareness of more responsible behavior.
RATIONAL USE AND MANAGEMENT OF RESOURCES, based in particular on the ecological management of water and space, and the reduction and sorting of waste. The generous amount of sunshine available on the site can be used as an energy resource to generate electricity.
SENSITIVE AND USEFUL VEGETATION FOR THE PROJECT, in terms of both social and environmental benefits. The landscaping of these areas should help to liven up the neighborhood by offering a variety of activities (gardening, children's games, bowls, green spaces, etc.) and encourage residents to make the area their own.
ENHANCING THE LANDSCAPE AND THE MURIER HILL. Protecting and enhancing views of these landscapes is a decisive factor in defining the neighborhood's compositional axes.
A NEW ATTRACTIVE AREA WITH A NEIGHBORHOOD POLARITY thanks to a new range of shops and services, and local public spaces.
AN INTEGRATED PROJECT OPEN TO ITS ENVIRONMENT, with links to nearby public facilities (Joliot-Curie school, Henri Wallon middle school and Pablo Neruda high school, Colette Besson gymnasium, etc.), existing public spaces in the area (Parc Jo Blanchon, Rocade pedestrian/cycle bridge, etc.) and public transport (3 bus lines, including 2 Chrono lines).
A CITIZEN'S INVOLVEMENT IN THE CITY'S CONSTRUCTION through the implementation of participatory mechanisms designed to include residents upstream of decisions and to encourage them to react.
Last but not least, particular attention will be paid to the GENERAL PROJECT ECONOMY to ensure that all these objectives are met, including in particular the financing of the allotment garden transfer and access to housing for as many people as possible.
In practice
- Pets welcome
- Historic patrimony,
- Historic district
Time schedule
From 01/01/25 to 12/31/25
Monday :
Tuesday :
Wednesday :
Thursday :
Friday :
Saturday :
Sunday :
Open all the time
Free access.
Go there
Latitude : 45.177535
Longitude : 5.767088
Height : 222
38400 Saint-Martin-d'Hères
Go there
Tramway A stop Grand'Place
Information mise à jour le 02/12/2024
par Office de Tourisme Grenoble Alpes