Museum of Minerals and Alpine Wildlife
The Musée des Minéraux et de la Faune des Alpes houses the largest collection of alpine minerals in France. A zoological section also displays Alpine wildlife, featuring over 140 different species in an amazingly lifelike display.
The diversity of its mineralogical collection, together with the dynamic setting of its wildlife area, make it a perfect place to learn more about the natural and cultural heritage of Oisans.
The museum is a member of the Route des Savoir-Faire.
In practice
- Film room,
- Coach parking,
- Parking nearby,
- Car park,
- Lift,
- Air conditioning,
- Toilets
- Educational visits,
- Coach access,
- Themed tour,
- Shop,
- Permanent entertainments organiser,
- Tourist brochures,
- Guided tours
- History,
- Sciences and technology,
- Prehistoric,
- Natural sciences,
- Environment,
- Natural history,
- Minerals
Time schedule
Choissez une période :
From 05/10/23 to 06/30/23
Monday :
Tuesday :
Wednesday :
Thursday :
Friday :
Saturday :
Sunday :
From 07/01/23 to 08/31/23
Monday :
10h00 to 12h00
- 14h00 to 18h00 -
Tuesday :
10h00 to 12h00
- 14h00 to 18h00 -
Wednesday :
10h00 to 12h00
- 14h00 to 18h00 -
Thursday :
10h00 to 12h00
- 14h00 to 18h00 -
Friday :
10h00 to 12h00
- 14h00 to 18h00 -
Saturday :
10h00 to 12h00
- 14h00 to 18h00 -
Sunday :
14h00 to 18h00
Payment method
- Check,
- Bank/credit card,
- Cash,
- Travellers Cheque,
- Credit transfer
From 01/05/23 to 31/08/23
- Adult
- 5.2€
- Child
- 2.4€
- Group adults
- 4.5€
Sénior : 4,50 € (plus de 60 ans)
Résident : 3,50 € (avec justificatif)
Carte adhésion annuelle accès illimité 10€