Prévourey Cirque
Discover the charming Cirque du Louvet, a remote site, though easily accessible from the Alpe du Grand Serre.
Start at the Tourism Office or at the playground and by the waterfall
Enjoy this magical place where you can see marmots, foxes, eagles and chamois.
Marmots can be seen from the sunny days of spring, from thaw to late September. Be silent for a chance to see them play, nap on a sunny roc or whistle. Louvet Cirque is a great place for a picnic and contemplation.
Keep your dog on a leash.
En pratique
- Acceptés
- Level bue - Medium
Animaux acceptés
- Acceptés
Conditions d'accueil des animaux
- Vous êtes en zone naturelle protégée : les chiens sont tolérés mais doivent être tenus en laisse.
Keep above the hut and turn right on a trail. 100m further, you will discover the Prevourey small lake with the surrounded mountains reflections on the surface. Keeping on to the end of Cirque, you will discover the waterfall that flows from the Brouffier lake.
- Pets welcome
Nature du terrain
- Rock,
- Ground,
- Not suitable for strollers
Informations complémentaires
Durée moyenne d'une visite groupée
- 150h
From 01/05 to 30/11.
Depending on the snow cover.
- Autumn,
- Summer,
- Spring
Free access.
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Latitude : 45.024649
Longitude : 5.86104
Height : 1360
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Cartoguide promenades et randonnées : Le Pays du Valbonnais / Carte IGN TOP 25 n°3336OT La Mure / Valbonnais
Information mise à jour le 03/08/2024
par Matheysine Tourisme