The Maupas spring from St Pierre de Mésage
The Maupas spring from St Pierre de Mésage
The departure will be from the town hall of St Pierre de Mésage. Go up the Connex road to the "Eglise St Pierre". Turn right in the direction of "Grand David" by the Roman road. At " Grand David ", turn left on the track towards La Frette " Le Moulin ". At the post "Le Moulin", go straight on towards "Font Chaise". At "Font Chaise" continue to climb the trail towards "Le Châtaignier" for a little over 2 km. A few steps above the intersection of " Le Châtaignier ", you will arrive at the " Cable ". you will arrive at the "Câble à keller". Leave the track and take the small path on the right towards the "Source de Maupas" at 380 m. At the spring, continue the path towards the "Pont de Loula" and "Loula". When you reach the Loula power station, turn left onto the path leading to "Font Jillarde". At Font Jillarde, turn right onto the path leading down to Les Peyrauds. At the end of the road just before "Les Peyrauds", follow the road to the left for 100 m and take the ascent of the Venelle to the right to reach "Les Peyrauds". Continue straight downhill towards St Pierre de Mésage and "L'Oratoire de la Salette". At the intersection with the rue de l'Oratoire, turn right and go to " L'Oratoire de la Salette ". Go straight on until the "Grand David" where you have to turn left towards the "Eglise St Pierre" and "St Pierre de Mésage" to come back to the starting point.
See and know : The church of St Pierre de Mésage is a typical small village church with its pointed bell tower that can be seen from afar. The power station of Loula was built in 1901, it turbines the waters of the Lakes of Laffrey, the height of fall is 363m.
En pratique
- Acceptés
- Level bue - Medium
Animaux acceptés
- Acceptés
Conditions d'accueil des animaux
- Chiens tenus en laisse
- Pets welcome
- Car park
Nature du terrain
- Ground
Informations complémentaires
Langues parlées
- French
Durée moyenne d'une visite groupée
- 195h
All year round.
Subject to favorable weather.
- Autumn,
- Summer,
- Winter,
- Spring
Free access.
Go there
Latitude : 45.051974
Longitude : 5.764054
Height : 688
7 rue de la Communale
38220 Saint-Pierre-de-Mésage
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Information mise à jour le 17/07/2024
par Office de Tourisme Grenoble Alpes